The History and Extrema pages highlight some interesting aspects of this data.
Distance O_Period Name # Orbits (000 km) (days) Incl Eccen Discoverer Date A.K.A. --------- ---- ------- -------- -------- ----- ----- ---------- ---- ------- Sun - - - - - - - - Sol Mercury I Sun 57910 87.97 7.00 0.21 - - Venus II Sun 108200 224.70 3.39 0.01 - - Earth III Sun 149600 365.26 0.00 0.02 - - Mars IV Sun 227940 686.98 1.85 0.09 - - Jupiter V Sun 778330 4332.71 1.31 0.05 - - Saturn VI Sun 1429400 10759.50 2.49 0.06 - - Uranus VII Sun 2870990 30685.00 0.77 0.05 Herschel 1781 Neptune VIII Sun 4504300 60190.00 1.77 0.01 Adams(9) 1846 Pluto IX Sun 5913520 90800 17.15 0.25 Tombaugh 1930 Moon I Earth 384 27.32 23.50 0.05 - - Luna (a) Phobos I Mars 9 0.32 1.00 0.01 Hall 1877 Deimos II Mars 23 1.26 1.80 0.00 Hall 1877 (b) Metis XVI Jupiter 128 0.29 0.00 0.00 Synnott 1979 1979 J 3 Adrastea XV Jupiter 129 0.30 0.00 0.00 Jewitt(1) 1979 1979 J 1 Amalthea V Jupiter 181 0.50 0.40 0.00 Barnard 1892 Thebe XIV Jupiter 222 0.67 0.80 0.02 Synnott 1979 1979 J 2 Io I Jupiter 422 1.77 0.04 0.00 Galileo(2) 1610 Europa II Jupiter 671 3.55 0.47 0.01 Galileo(2) 1610 Ganymede III Jupiter 1070 7.15 0.19 0.00 Galileo(2) 1610 Callisto IV Jupiter 1883 16.69 0.28 0.01 Galileo(2) 1610 Leda XIII Jupiter 11094 238.72 27.00 0.15 Kowal 1974 Himalia VI Jupiter 11480 250.57 28.00 0.16 Perrine 1904 Lysithea X Jupiter 11720 259.22 29.00 0.11 Nicholson 1938 Elara VII Jupiter 11737 259.65 28.00 0.21 Perrine 1905 Ananke XII Jupiter 21200 -631 147.00 0.17 Nicholson 1951 Carme XI Jupiter 22600 -692 163.00 0.21 Nicholson 1938 Pasiphae VIII Jupiter 23500 -735 147.00 0.38 Melotte 1908 Sinope IX Jupiter 23700 -758 153.00 0.28 Nicholson 1914 Pan XVIII Saturn 134 0.58 0.00 0.00 Showalter 1990 1981 S 13 Atlas XV Saturn 138 0.60 0.00 0.00 Terrile 1980 1980 S 28 Prometheus XVI Saturn 139 0.61 0.00 0.00 Collins(3) 1980 1980 S 27 Pandora XVII Saturn 142 0.63 0.00 0.00 Collins(3) 1980 1980 S 26 Epimetheus XI Saturn 151 0.69 0.34 0.01 Walker(8) 1980 1980 S 3 Janus X Saturn 151 0.69 0.14 0.01 Dollfus(8) 1966 1980 S 1 Mimas I Saturn 186 0.94 1.53 0.02 Herschel 1789 Enceladus II Saturn 238 1.37 0.02 0.00 Herschel 1789 Tethys III Saturn 295 1.89 1.09 0.00 Cassini 1684 Telesto XIII Saturn 295 1.89 0.00 0.00 Reitsema(6) 1980 1980 S 13 Calypso XIV Saturn 295 1.89 0.00 0.00 Pascu(7) 1980 1980 S 25 Dione IV Saturn 377 2.74 0.02 0.00 Cassini 1684 Helene XII Saturn 377 2.74 0.20 0.01 Laques(4) 1980 1980 S 6, Dione B Rhea V Saturn 527 4.52 0.35 0.00 Cassini 1672 Titan VI Saturn 1222 15.95 0.33 0.03 Huygens 1655 Hyperion VII Saturn 1481 21.28 0.43 0.10 Bond(5) 1848 Iapetus VIII Saturn 3561 79.33 14.72 0.03 Cassini 1671 Phoebe IX Saturn 12952 -550.48 175.30 0.16 Pickering 1898 Cordelia VI Uranus 50 0.34 0.14 0.00 Voyager 2 1986 1986 U 7 Ophelia VII Uranus 54 0.38 0.09 0.00 Voyager 2 1986 1986 U 8 Bianca VIII Uranus 59 0.43 0.16 0.00 Voyager 2 1986 1986 U 9 Cressida IX Uranus 62 0.46 0.04 0.00 Voyager 2 1986 1986 U 3 Desdemona X Uranus 63 0.47 0.16 0.00 Voyager 2 1986 1986 U 6 Juliet XI Uranus 64 0.49 0.06 0.00 Voyager 2 1986 1986 U 2 Portia XII Uranus 66 0.51 0.09 0.00 Voyager 2 1986 1986 U 1 Rosalind XIII Uranus 70 0.56 0.28 0.00 Voyager 2 1986 1986 U 4 Belinda XIV Uranus 75 0.62 0.03 0.00 Voyager 2 1986 1986 U 5 Puck XV Uranus 86 0.76 0.31 0.00 Voyager 2 1985 1985 U 1 Miranda V Uranus 130 1.41 4.22 0.00 Kuiper 1948 Ariel I Uranus 191 2.52 0.00 0.00 Lassell 1851 Umbriel II Uranus 266 4.14 0.00 0.00 Lassell 1851 Titania III Uranus 436 8.71 0.00 0.00 Herschel 1787 Oberon IV Uranus 583 13.46 0.00 0.00 Herschel 1787 Naiad III Neptune 48 0.29 0.00 0.00 Voyager2 1989 1989 N 6 Thalassa IV Neptune 50 0.31 4.50 0.00 Voyager 2 1989 1989 N 5 Despina V Neptune 53 0.33 0.00 0.00 Voyager 2 1989 1989 N 3 Galatea VI Neptune 62 0.43 0.00 0.00 Voyager 2 1989 1989 N 4 Larissa VII Neptune 74 0.55 0.00 0.00 Voyager 2 1989 1989 N 2 Proteus VIII Neptune 118 1.12 0.00 0.00 Voyager 2 1989 1989 N 1 Triton I Neptune 355 -5.88 157.00 0.00 Lassell 1846 Nereid II Neptune 5513 360.13 29.00 0.75 Kuiper 1949 Charon I Pluto 20 6.39 98.80 0.00 Christy 1978 Key: Orbits Sun or planet about which it orbits. Distance Mean distance (semimajor axis) to the Sun or to planet center x1000 km. Date Year discovered. O_Period Sidereal period of orbit in days (negative=retrograde). Incl Orbital inclination. Eccen Orbital eccentricity. A.K.A Object's provisional name. Notes: (1) & Danielson (2) & Marius (3) & others (4) & Lecacheux (5) & Lassell (6) & Smith & others (7) & Smith & others (8) & Larson & Fountain (9) & Le Verrier & Galle & d'Arrest (a) Luna's inclination varies from 18.2 to 28.6 (b) Deimos's inclination varies from 0.9 to 2.7
Radius Mass Rotate Dimensions Name (km) (kg) Dens Abo Vo (days) (km) --------- ------- ------- ---- --- ----- ------ ---------- Sun 695000 1.99e30 1.41 ? -26. 24.6 Mercury 2439 3.30e23 5.42 .10 -1.9 58.6 Venus 6052 4.87e24 5.25 .65 -4.4 -243 Earth 6378 5.98e24 5.52 .37 - 0.99 Mars 3397 6.42e23 3.94 .15 -2.0 1.03 Jupiter 71492 1.90e27 1.33 .52 -2.7 0.41 Saturn 60268 5.69e26 0.69 .47 0.7 0.45 Uranus 25559 8.69e25 1.27 .51 5.5 -0.72 Neptune 24764 1.02e26 1.64 .41 7.8 0.67 Pluto 1160 1.32e22 2.02 .3 15.1 -6.39 (z) Moon 1738 7.35e22 3.34 .12 -12.7 S Phobos 11 1.08e16 2.0 .06 11.3 S 13.5 x 10.8 x 9.4 Deimos 6 1.80e15 1.7 .07 12.3 S 7.5 x 6.1 x 5.5 Metis 20 9.56e16 2.8 .05 17.5 ? Adrastea 10 1.91e16 4.5 .05 18.7 ? 12.5 x 10 x 7.5 Amalthea 94 7.17e18 1.8 .05 14.1 S 135 x 83 x 75 Thebe 50 7.77e17 1.5 .05 16.0 S 55 x 45 Io 1815 8.94e22 3.55 .61 5.0 S Europa 1569 4.80e22 3.01 .64 5.3 S Ganymede 2631 1.48e23 1.95 .42 4.6 S Callisto 2400 1.08e23 1.86 .20 5.6 S Leda 8 5.68e15 2.7 ? 20.2 ? Himalia 93 9.56e18 2.8 ? 15.0 0.4 Lysithea 18 7.77e16 3.1 ? 18.2 ? Elara 38 7.77e17 3.3 ? 16.6 0.5 Ananke 15 3.82e16 2.7 ? 18.9 ? Carme 20 9.56e16 2.8 ? 17.9 ? Pasiphae 25 1.91e17 2.9 ? 16.9 ? Sinope 18 7.77e16 3.1 ? 18.0 ? Pan 10 ? ? .5 ? ? Atlas 15 ? ? .9 18.0 ? 20 x 10 Prometheus 46 2.70e17 0.7 .6 15.8 ? 72 x 43 x 32 Pandora 42 2.20e17 0.7 .9 16.5 ? 57 x 42 x 31 Epimetheus 57 5.60e17 0.7 .8 15.7 S 72 x 54 x 49 Janus 89 2.01e18 0.67 .8 14.5 S 98 x 96 x 75 Mimas 196 3.80e19 1.17 .5 12.9 S Enceladus 250 8.40e19 1.24 .99 11.7 S Tethys 530 7.55e20 1.21 .9 10.2 S Telesto 15 ? ? .5 18.7 ? 17 x 14 x 13 Calypso 13 ? ? .6 19.0 ? 17 x 11 x 11 Dione 560 1.05e21 1.43 .7 10.4 S Helene 16 ? ? .7 18.4 ? 18 x 16 x 15 Rhea 765 2.49e21 1.33 .7 9.7 S Titan 2575 1.35e23 1.88 .21 8.3 S Hyperion 143 1.77e19 1.4 .3 14.2 chaotic 205 x 130 x 110 Iapetus 730 1.88e21 1.21 .2 11.1 S (y) Phoebe 110 4.00e18 0.7 .06 16.5 0.4 Cordelia 13 ? ? .07 24.0 ? Ophelia 16 ? ? .07 24.0 ? Bianca 22 ? ? .07 23.0 ? Cressida 33 ? ? .07 22.0 ? Desdemona 29 ? ? .07 22.0 ? Juliet 42 ? ? .07 22.0 ? Portia 55 ? ? .07 21.0 ? Rosalind 27 ? ? .07 22.0 ? Belinda 34 ? ? .07 22.0 ? Puck 77 ? ? .07 20.0 ? Miranda 236 6.30e19 1.15 .27 16.5 S 240 x 234 x 233 Ariel 579 1.27e21 1.56 .34 14.4 S 581 x 578 x 578 Umbriel 585 1.27e21 1.52 .18 15.3 S Titania 789 3.49e21 1.70 .27 14.0 S Oberon 761 3.03e21 1.64 .24 14.2 S Naiad 29 ? ? .06 25.0 ? Thalassa 40 ? ? .06 24.0 ? Despina 74 ? ? .06 23.0 ? Galatea 79 ? ? .06 23.0 ? Larissa 96 ? ? .06 21.0 ? 104 x 89 Proteus 209 ? ? .06 20.0 ? 218 x 208 x 201 Triton 1350 2.14e22 2.0 .7 13.6 S Nereid 170 ? ? .2 18.7 ? Charon 635 1.47e21 1.37 .5 16.8 S (z) Key: Radius Equatorial radius in km. Mass in kilograms including atmospheres but not satellites. Dens Density in g/cm3. Abo Object's geometric albedo. Vo Object's magnitude in visible light at opposition. Rotate Sidereal period of equatorial rotation in days (negative=retrograde; S=synchronous). Dimensions Radii for non-spherical bodies. Notes: (y) Iapetus's magnitude varies from 10.2 to 11.9 (z) the masses, radii and densities of Pluto and Charon are highly uncertain ( ) Some of the data above is given to more decimal places than it should be.